The NASA scientists captured several shots on the rift of the Greenland’s greatest glaciers that showed a major concern of the growing ocean levels that have drastically risen to 50% by 2014. The liquid water melting from the Greenland ice glaciers is now over 25% of the total sea level in comparison to the previous year’s which was about 5%. The findings are a major distress to the scientists who are predicting potential devastating consequences in the near future.
According to the previous studies on the distribution of population worldwide, millions and millions of people live in the most vulnerable low-lying deltas and the persistent rising of the seas could be a serious threat to the human race. There is also a problem of land sinking following the depletion of water tables or lack of firm grounds along the upstream dams that could make the situation worse if something is not done urgently to resolve the condition.
Most major cities and towns along the coastal lines are in dire danger of being swept away by the strong waves and tides. Though most small island nations are laying fundamental plans to protect their populace from sinking, the scientists have warned that these states could not be inhabitable if the status of the water table will continue increasing.
The scientists have discovered the shrinking Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets that could accelerate the effect of climate changes on the Earth’s polar sections. The findings reveal that there is a potential new rift that could put the ice sheet at the risk of breaking off. The rising sea levels due to the liquefied polar ice caps is likely to devastate the island states and the coastal cities though the scale of the damage and how long it would take to unfold is still unknown.
A different research published in the journal of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics have outlined that the efforts to reduce the emissions from the greenhouses and other measures carried out by several states may not be adequate enough to counter the trend. The coastal lines alone may drown many people living in the vulnerable cities.